Develop and enhance your natural gifts: creativity, sensitivity, naturalness
Work on your main problem area: making negative comparisons
be aware of self-absorption;
stay away from melodrama; what role does it play in your relationships?
pay attention to your fantasies and daydreams: what are they reinforcing? What purpose do they serve?
when you dwell on how different you are, pay attention to what it costs you in terms of your connection with others
focus on what is here – not what is missing;
what is it about the qualities you don’t have but wish you did that attracts you?
Can you recognize the qualities you do have?
befriend yourself;
be proactive in suffering;
be reluctant to compare;
stop fantasizing about the ideal;
don’t hold on to feelings.
Spiritual practice:
Follow Jesus as dramatic and unique
To gain love we must become unique and deeply authentic. Matt 6:25-30 breaks the envy of the FOUR because here with God loving us, we have all we need right now.
Gospel contemplation: the woman with the vial of nard
watch Jesus be just who he is and not wish he were someone else
Meditate on the Commandment “Thou shalt not covet.” What does that suggest to you?
Practise finding God’s Presence in the beauty of your surroundings
Look at your life as a work of art, expressing some aspect of God; how would God invite you to complete that work of art?
Rehearse the breath mantra “Present moment, perfect moment.”
watch out for warning signs that you are too stressed as a FOUR:
you experience yourself as extremely volatile and touchy
you find that you depend on very few people and have unstable relations with them
you have outbursts of rage, hostility and hatred
you have long bouts of depression and hopelessness
you find yourself self-sabotaging and rejecting positive influences