Read the following statements and see how many apply to you in a significant way. The more statements you agree with, the more likely you are a SEVEN – the ADVENTURER.
I seem to be less suspicious of people and their motives than other people are.
There are very few things in Iife which I can’t enjoy.
Things always work out for the best.
I wish other people were more light-hearted about things.
I like other people to see me as happy.
I usually look on the bright side of things and don’t look for the negative side of life.
I like almost everyone I meet.
I like to tell stories.
I like to think of myself as a childlike, playful person.
People say I’m often the life of the party.
I like to consider the cosmic ramifications of events, the universal importance of everything that happens.
My theory is: if something is good, more is better.
I don’t think it’s good to be sad for too long.
I like to make things “nice.”
I like to “”savour” life.
I tend to be very enthusiastic about the future.
I like to cheer people up.
Most of the time I avoid getting into really “heavy’ issues.
I tend to jump from one thing to another rather than go into anything in depth.
I remember my childhood as happy. (Beesing et al, The Enneagram, p. 42)