Read the following statements and see how many apply to you in a significant way. The more statements you agree with, the more likely you are a SIX – the LOYALIST
I am basically a middle-of-the-road person.
Loyalty to a group is very important for me.
I find it very difficult to go against what authority says.
Before making a decision, I get additional information to make sure I’m prepared.
I take a long time to make up my mind because I need to explore the options fully.
I often wonder if I’m brave enough to do what must be done.
I’m often plagued by doubt.
I like to be very sure before acting.
Without strict laws it’s hard to tell what people might do.
I often tend to operate out of a sense of duty and responsibility.
I like having limits in which to work.
I seem to sense danger and threat more than others do.
I tend to take sides and be concerned about whose side people are on.
I tend to be aware of and sensitive to contradictions.
I prefer to have things scheduled rather than open ended.
Frequently I find myself evaluating others in terms whether they are a threat to me or not.
”Prudence” is a very important virtue for me.
I constantly seem to be working against or challenging my fears.
I seem to be concerned about defending myself or my position more than other people are.
I often fantasize myself in some kind of “hero’ role or position. (Beesing et al, The Enneagram, p. 39-40)