Read the following statements and see how many apply to you in a significant way. The more statements you agree with, the more likely you are a THREE – the ACHIEVER
I like to keep myself on the go.
I Iike to work on a team and I make a good team member.
I identify with precision and professionalism.
Being able to get things organized and accomplished just seems to come natural to me.
”Success” is a word that means a lot to me.
I like to have clear goals set and to know where I stand on the way toward those goals.
I like progress charts, grades and other indications of how I am going.
I’m envied by other people for how much I get done.
Projecting a successful image is very important to me.
Making decisions is not a problem for me.
To be successful you sometimes have to compromise your own standards.
When I recall my past, I tend to remember what I did well and right rather than what I did poorly or wrong.
I hate to be told something I’m doing isn’t working.
Generally, I prefer to be involved in the aspect of an operation that will get it moving rather than keep it going.
I would do well in the advertising aspect of a project.
I can get so identified with my work or role that I forget who I am.
I believe that appearances are important.
I feel I need many achievements before other people will notice me.
I tend to be an assertive go-getter kind of person.
First impressions count ( Beesing et al, The Enneagram, 26-27).