Develop and enhance your natural gifts: teaching, tolerance, patience
Work on your main problem area: value-judging, condemning yourself and others
journal about inner critic messages;
release inner critic messages;
note how often you criticize others, and try to find ways to offset your criticism;
before correcting something or someone check your motivation;
when you find yourself becoming frantic about some goal you have set, stop and ask yourself what is really at stake
when you find yourself annoyed at disorder, stop and reflect upon why that is, and what really matters
play more;
forgive yourself and others;
be less defensive about criticism;
spiritual practices:
Follow Jesus as “idealist”
As Gospel contemplation, look at examples of disapproval of what others and they themselves do and ultimately what they are. In Luke 6:1-5&6-11, the uninvolved aspect of the 1 becomes furious with Jesus as he broke the law by eating grain & healed on the Sabbath.
Gospel contemplation: be with the elder son, as he does everything right, in the story of the Prodigal Son
Meditate on this saying of Jesus “Be whole as my Father is whole (not “perfect.”)”
In your quiet time, use this Mantra: “I am loved just as I am”
Forgive others – and yourself – for your shortcomings
Pray the “Serenity Prayer” as often as you need to.
Develop your “compassionate observer” who can say lovingly , as you acknowledge a mistake “that was interesting.”
watch out for warning signs that you are too stressed as a ONE:
you are taking rigidly inflexible positions
you find yourself extremely self-righteous
you are rationalizing and justifying your actions
you experience intense feelings of disillusion
you engage in outbursts of rage and intolerance