Enneagram THREE Spiritual Practices
Develop and enhance your natural gifts: ambition, energy, vision
Work on your main problem area: trying to be other than you authentically are.
develop the practice of silence and contemplation;
get a spiritual director; there’s nothing like opening ourselves honestly to one we trust to help us see how we deceive ourselves!
develop a personal definition of success; what does success mean to you? To your parents? To your peers? Any connections?
name areas in your life where you do not feel the need to be the best; how do they differ from areas where you feel you need to be the best;
put your hand over your heart, and imagine yourself experiencing the world around you with your feelings, not your brain; do this until you can tell the difference between your analytical mind and your feelings;
be aware of what is sacrificed to accomplish a goal;
when you find yourself being competitive, or being dragged into competition, stop and ask yourself what motivates you;
take vacations regularly; they can help you focus on yourself and not your accomplishments; they can also be a reminder that you are not indispensable in your career;
practice Sabbath as a way to resist the temptation of always working
work as a team member instead of a leader;
share something vulnerable about you with someone you trust; what did that feel like? What are you afraid to let others see?
pursue an authentic friendship.
Spiritual practice:
Follow Jesus as achiever
As Gospel contemplation, consider Matt 20:1-16. This is an attack on the THREE trance of being first, being successful, looking good etc. God’s love is extended to anyone who will accept it, even late comers.
Gospel contemplation: hear Jesus say “well done my good and trusty servant”
Read as Lectio divina, Proverbs “Vanity, all is vanity…”
Imagine your obiturary: what would you want people to say about you; what would you not want them to say?
Lectio divina: Jesus says “when you pray, close the door…”
Study Brother Lawrence’s approach to his spiritual life
watch out for warning signs that you are too stressed as a THREE:
you suffer from physical burnout and exhaustion from workaholism
you project an increasingly false self-image and deceptiveness
you discover you lack feelings and experience an inner emptiness
you find yourself concealing the degree of your emotional distress
you find yourself exploiting others to preserve an image
Examples to emulate: Barbra Streisand, Christopher Reeve, F. Scott Fitzgerald,