Exercise 8

EXERCISE 8: Your feelings

Your feelings are a rich source for understanding who you are.

All feelings are okay – good ones, bad ones, ones that you are ashamed you have, those you are comfortable with.

Take a period of time – say an afternoon – and describe all your feelings. Keep asking this question: “What am I feeling right now?”

Just describe, don’t judge. Can’t find the right words? Here is a list of ‘feeling’ words: Aggressive… anxious… apologetic… apprehensive… arrogant… ashamed… awed… bashful… blissful…. bored… caring… cautious… cold… confident… confused… curious… determined… disappointed… disbelieving… disoriented… enthusiastic… enraged… envious… excited… exhausted… fearful… frightened… frustrated… furious… guilty… happy… horrified… hot… hung-over… hurt… hysterical… indecisive… indifferent… indifferent… insecure… interested… jealous… lonely… lovestruck… lustful… mistrustful… negative… overwhelmed… perplexed… regretful… relieved… sad… satisfied… selfish… stunned… surprised… suspicious… uncertain… undecided… violated… worried

Some suggestions of questions you might ask of yourself to get started:

  • whom did I meet today?
  • what did I do?
  • what was fun?
  • what was hard?
  • what was boring?
  • what could I have done without?
  • what made me happy? sad?

When you have clearly identified a feeling, step back and experience it. Notice it. Be like an interested but detached observer. See if you can come to the point of saying “Isn’t that interesting! That I should have this feeling!”

Ask yourself this question: what belief do I have about myself or my environment that lead me to this feeling? Don’t analyse, just ask.

Then remember that feelings are always passing. They never last. Let the feeling go. Repeat this Exercise whenever you have a strong feeling
